Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mane Man interview #2

Hey guys, so I'm bringing you another instalment of the Mane Man Series. I interviewed another friend, 'white wizard', a very outspoken and creative soul; and this time I made sure to clarify what I meant by the term 'natural' to avoid any ambiguity. Anywayz, this was what he had to say..Enjoy!!!

z hot seat

Q1. What's your hair preference and why?

I love seeing weaves on girls because it makes girls look so perfect.

Q2. What things come to mind when you see a lady with natural hair?
Maturity- not age, just a cathing flair- it emphasises her strength (womanly). I'm attracted cos she puts herself above all the 'artificial' girls.
I see weave-on as I'm hot, I'm sexy... I see natural as I'm cool, I'm collected....I'm a woman.

Q3. Why do you think most nigerian women don't wear their hair natural?
Cz they watch too much tv.lol ;-). You know what I mean.
Well, Nigeria is a very very artificial country.
The people watch dstv all day and see hot girls with long hair and etc- it's pretty, so they want to look pretty. They feel it makes them look younger, therefore, more appealing. (you're chatting with a marketer and advertiser; it's my job to make them wanna buy more weaves....sadly

Q4. Are there any associated stereotypes (good and bad) with wearing one's hair in it's natural state?
Good- it's lovely and true; it depicts confidence and it's so pure.
Bad- lord of lords!! Very few women know how to take care of their natural hair!!

Q5. What do you think of the natural hair movement? Why do you think a woman would cut off or grow out her relaxer to wear her hair in its natural state?
Mehn, my dear- I honestly feel it's only deeply exposed women who would do that- it's deep- tracing back to slavery and 'black bondage'....I feel women who do that do so because they wanna truly be free.

*   *   *

So those are all my questions. Very good interview I must say. However, if I may ask- Is your view of women looking 'perfect' with weaves tainted by the media and the unidimentional standard of beauty it imposes? Can a woman not look 'perfect' in her natural hair? (afterall that's how God made us).
About the interview, it was a great pleasure.

Of course women would look perfect in their natural hair- as a marketer, perfection is artificial....As a person, natural hair is beauty. We are in an artificial world and selling the idea of natural hair to women would be hard because  businesses stand to lose alot, and as I said earlier.....meeeen only deep women would understand what you're saying.
Many of our ladies don't give a damn about history or black power or etc. They care only about themselves....it's sad- the world is becoming selfish.

So that's all for now folks. Take care and stay blessed.

Miss Jay

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