Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I am second

I had a lovely easter weekend and hope you did too. My sis was in town for the weekend and we had a nice time touring the city, taking loads of pics and meeting with friends. As easter Monday rolled in, I felt renewed and had this sense of 'new beginnings', which was probably coupled with the fact that I had turned a year older and the reminder that what Jesus did for us on the cross, which we celebrate during easter truly marks the start of a new life and a new relationship. I spent the most of Monday listening to stories of several men and women who had experienced this 'new beginning'. I believe now more than ever that one day in the near future, my story will be complete so that I too will be able to share it and encourage others.

The following video is the first one of the series of the 'I am second' videos that I watched that Monday morning. They are truly inspiring and life changing I must say. I kept bawling the whole time and for the first time I really felt 'changed' from the inside.  I'd like to encourage you to watch not just this one but the other videos in the series. I hope that by the end of it all you too will feel inspired and a new sense of hope, a new beginning, will be birthed from within. Stay blessed :)

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