Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where are the natural pics??

Just in case some of you were wondering, they are The question is when?
As some of you may know, I am currently transitioning and have been doing so for the past 20 months and a bit. I know, it's been ages do I manage the two textures?? Why don't I just BC and get it over with? Before I continue let me stop for a second and explain these terminologies to those who may be scratching their heads.

Transitioning- the process of growing out ones hair without applying relaxers or texturizers. This is a term usually used by those with relaxed or texturized hair as it implies having two different hair textures on a strand of hair- one chemical free, the other chemically treated. By chemicals, I am referring to sodium hydroxide (and related compounds) - this is the active ingredient found in relaxers that cause the hairs natural bonds to break.

BC= Big Chop- this is basically cutting all your relaxed hair off in one go, with a pair of scissors or a set of clippers. It can be quite an emotional activity.

The answer to when is basically whenever I can fit all of my natural strands into a ponytail COMFORTABLY. I work very long hours and do not always have the time to style my hair, as such buns are quite a staple for me. If this happens at 24 months..then yay...if it's going to take me 3 years, I can wait. Convenience is key.

I have found in my own experience that the more equal a ratio you have between your natural and relaxed hair on a strand, the easier it is to manipulate. So at present, washing my hair is pure bliss in comparison to say when I was at my 6 month stage. Also, I find the most important thing is being patient and learning to master your own hair before giving up and saying it's impossible. There are LOADS of resources on the tube which have helped me greatly.

But don't despair...I do have loads of transitioning pics to share. I plan on sharing my styling stay tuned!!

Miss Jay

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